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Hayes Meadow Primary School

"Be the Best We Can Be"

Wraparound School Clubs

Hayes Meadow Breakfast Club

This will run Monday to Friday 7.30 till 8.45am. Breakfast is provided with a choice of cereals, toast and squash. The cost is £3 per morning which is either payable on the day or in advance. Families with more than two children attending Breakfast Club will receive a discount on cost. Please see the table below for details. Please ensure all sessions are booked in advance either by email, telephone or in person via the school office.  A registration form will need to be completed for all children attending.  Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Funding can access this for free. Please check with Mrs Clarke if you are not sure whether you are eligible. The Breakfast Club is available for all of our children, from Nursery (aged 2 upwards) through to year 6.


First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child or more
Free of Charge





Hayes Meadow Afternoon Nursery Care

We are offering 30 hours of childcare for our two year olds from September. This will mean that children will attend the Nursery as usual for five mornings each week from 9am till 12. The children will be able to bring a packed lunch from home or have a school meal at an additional cost of £2.83 per day and stay for the afternoon session until 3.00pm. The wraparound care will be staffed by our qualified Teaching Assistants.

You may be eligible for 30 hours childcare. To find out if you are please visit which will provide more information for you.

If you are not eligible but would still like to pay for additional care in the afternoons, this will be available for you at a cost of £4.50 per hour. This is only available by booking in advance. A booking form must be handed into the office with payment on the Friday before the week you require the care. If you require care in the first week please hand this in no later than 9.30am Tuesday 5th September or if possible before the summer holiday. This is to ensure we have the correct staffing ratios for your children.


12.00 – 1.00pm
1.00 – 2.00pm
2.00 – 3.00pm





Hayes Meadow After School Club

Hayes Meadow After School Club runs until 6pm every day. Early years children and KS1 children will be collected from their classrooms by the After School Club Assistants.

The children will be able to have a sandwich snack, fruit and drinks if they wish. A variety of activities will be available for the children to access. If you wish your child to go to a sporting or extra- curricular club after school and then transfer to After School Club, this can also be arranged. You will then only pay from 4.30pm onwards on your booking form.

This is only available by booking in advance. A booking form must be handed into the office with payment on the Friday before the week you require the care. This is to ensure we have the correct staffing ratios for your children and it remains flexible for parents who may work shifts. Booking forms will be available from After School Club, the school office or via the school website.

The cost of the club will be:


3.30 – 4.30pm
4.30 – 5.30pm
5.30 – 6.00pm




Policy Documents

Email: .

Telephone: 01543 490616

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