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Hayes Meadow Primary School

"Be the Best We Can Be"

Admissions & Visits


At Hayes Meadow we follow the Staffordshire Authority Policy for school admissions. The link to the site and where to apply for a school place for your child is below:

In Year Admissions

If you are moving into the area and are looking for a school place then please contact the school office on 01543 490616 who will be able to provide more details for you.

Any parent/carer who wishes to complete an in-year transfer to Hayes Meadow should complete this application form and forward this directly to school.

We will advise parents of the outcome of their in-year application within 10 school days but at the very latest within 15 school days.

In the event the application is refused information about the independent appeals process will be detailed in the letter.



You can download the latest Hayes Meadow prospectus below:


Hayes Meadow Early Years Prospectus

Hayes Meadow Primary School Prospectus


Visits to the school

Visits to the school are encouraged and we ask that you contact the school office to arrange a suitable time to visit and have a tour of the school with the Headteacher. 


Policy Documents

Email: .

Telephone: 01543 490616

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