Illness / Medical Appointments
- It is the responsibility of the parent / carer to inform the school on the first day of absence. A message may be left by speaking to Mrs Clarke or another member of staff.
- The reason for absence should be provided and how long the child is expected to be absent from school.
- If a parent/ carer does not inform the school by 9.25am a standard text message will be sent to the parent/ carer asking them to contact the school as soon as possible to explain the absence. A record will be kept to show which parents/ carers have been contacted.
- A child's absence is recorded as unauthorised unless a reason is provided by the parent/ carer.
- If a child is late into school due to a medical appointment this can be authorised on return to school. We ask where possible a letter of the appointment is given to Mrs Clarke.
- If the child is persistently absent or persistently late, they will be asked to provide proof the appointment or attendance at the appointment in the form of an appointment card or letter.
- Pupils with extended periods of absence or patterns of absence will be asked to speak with the Headteacher to discuss ways in which we can support your child attending school regularly.
- Letters are sent to parents each term with details of their child’s attendance.
- The Headteacher meets each term with the attendance officer to discuss pupils' absence. On occasion it may be necessary to complete an Early Help Assessment with parents to improve patterns of attendance.
Related Downloads
School Attendance and AbsenceLetter to Parents - Re Absence Policy
Attendance Policy
Request for Leave During Term Time